Edit Inotai’s comments on the Hungarian emergency bill to El Confidencial

Edit Inotai, senior fellow of CEID, contributed to El Confidencial’s analysis on the Hungarian parliament’s vote on the emergency bill that grants unlimited powers to the government for an unlimited period of time.


She said that as the economic decline will be an unusual experience after the increases of the last decade, the government’s is likely to lose a big bulk of its popularity, so “Mr. Orbán needed a strong authority for when he has to introduce unpopular measures”.  Ms Inotai thinks that the EU is powerless in this situation, “the only option would be the cutting off of the structural funds”, referencing a proposed rule of law mechanism backed by Germany and Belgium. As far as she is concerned, the Hungarian government has been able to drift away from the mainstream European direction by “not being a problematic country as far as the economy is concerned”, as the EU has been preoccupied by the negative effects of the 2008 crisis and the collapse of the euro.


The full article can be read on El Confidencial in Spanish.



Dániel Varga