Construction Management Contract Australia

Construction Management Contract in Australia: Overview and Key Considerations

In today`s fast-paced world, the construction industry has become increasingly complex, with various parties involved in each project. As such, managing construction projects effectively has become challenging, leading to the need for construction management contracts.

A construction management contract is an agreement between the owner of a construction project and a construction manager or management firm. The contract outlines the scope of work, roles, responsibilities, and compensation of the construction manager. It is designed to ensure that a construction project is completed efficiently and on time, within budget, and to the owner`s satisfaction.

In Australia, construction management contracts are widely used, particularly in large or complex projects. They are governed by the Australian Standards (AS) 4000-1997 General Conditions of Contract. The AS 4000-1997 outlines the general principles of construction contract law, including the rights and obligations of the parties, variations, claims, and dispute resolution.

Key Considerations in a Construction Management Contract

1. Scope of Work

The scope of work is critical in a construction management contract. It details the work the construction manager will undertake, such as scheduling, budgeting, risk management, quality control, and safety compliance. It is essential to ensure that the scope of work is defined precisely to prevent disputes and confusion during the construction project.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

The construction management contract should outline the roles and responsibilities of the owner and the construction manager. The owner is responsible for the design and specifications, while the construction manager is responsible for executing the project. The contract should also define the communication channels and reporting requirements to ensure effective project management.

3. Compensation

The compensation for the construction manager is typically a percentage of the total project cost. The contract should include a schedule of fees, which outlines the payment structure, timing, and any additional costs, such as reimbursable expenses. It is advisable to include a payment mechanism, such as milestone payments or percentage-based payments, to ensure effective cash flow management.

4. Time and Schedule

The construction management contract should define the project schedule, including the start and end dates, milestones, and timelines for completion of specific tasks. It should also outline the consequences of delay, such as liquidated damages, to incentivise the construction manager to complete the project on time.

5. Dispute Resolution

Disputes are inevitable in any construction project, and the construction management contract should provide a framework for dispute resolution. The contract should outline the procedures for dispute resolution, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation, and the timeframes for each option.


Construction management contracts are essential in managing construction projects effectively. They provide a framework for effective project management, help prevent disputes, and ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the owner`s satisfaction. When drafting a construction management contract, it is crucial to consider the scope of work, roles and responsibilities, compensation, time and schedule, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your construction project is executed smoothly and meets the desired outcomes.

Bartha Dániel