
European Café: Power balance in the 21st century – A summary

In 2023 CEID is renewed its European Cafe series of discussions, which focuses on a selected expert discussions on the main dilemmas of Hungarian foreign policy. The discussions are not be open to the press. The aim of the programme is to bring together views…

Women in Foreign Policy

CEID had the honour of participating in the Women in Foreign Policy project, co-organised by the Czech AMO Institute and the Polish Casimir Pulaski Foundation. The networking workshops in Prague and Warsaw highlighted the common challenges faced by women in foreign policy research in the region and…

“20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West” – Summary of the annual Think Visegrad Forum

On 10-11 April 2024, CEID (represented by external fellow András Lázár) participated at a two-day conference in Prague entitled “20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West”, organised by EUROPEUM in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and supported i.a. by the Visegrad…

Half a year of the European Café series

As we have stated 2024 is a crucial year: besides the European elections, Hungary celebrates 20 years of EU membership and will also hold the EU’s rotating presidency from July 2024. As we have promised, with our European Cafe series we try to discuss the central question of…

Fancy spending some time in Budapest and working with us? – Apply for the Think Visegrad Fellowship

In the framework of Think Visegrad Platform, CEID accepts a new visiting fellow from a non-Visegrad country for 6-8 weeks. During this period, the fel­low will be expected to develop a pol­icy paper and deliver one pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion on a pre-agreed topic. Expert fel­lows from non-Visegrad coun­tries with at least five years’ experience in their field of…

Magyarország felkészülése az Európai Unió Tanácsának soros elnökségére: esélyek és lehetőségek

Minden EU elnökséget a nemzetközi környezet határozza meg, és ez különösen érvényes lesz a július 1-én kezdődő magyar elnökségre, hangzott el a European Café zárt körű szakmai beszélgetésén, amelynek vendége Zalai Csaba, az Európai Ügyek minisztériumának távozó államtitkára volt. Az orosz-ukrán háború kimenetele, a küszöbönálló…

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october, 2024

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