Previous CEID Projects

The Polish-Hungarian Alliance: Six Dimensions of Bilateral Relations

CEID is delighted to publish online its newest study volume on the current state and future prospects of Polish-Hungarian bilateral relations, focusing on six of the most important areas of cooperation. The study is avaliable for the public in English – The Polish-Hungarian Alliance in Hungarian…

Válaszd Európát!

Május 26–án ismét választunk, de ezúttal nemcsak Magyarország, hanem Európa nagy része is voksol. A világ egyetlen, valóban nemzetközi törvényhozása, az Európai Parlament képviselőit választjuk meg. Magyarország 21 képviselőt küldhet a 705 fős parlamentbe. A CEID az európai parlamenti választások előtt videósorozatot és mozgósító kampányt…

Communicating Europe – Making the EU Understandable

Media plays a fundamental role in shaping the opinion of the citizens. But reporting about EU-affairs requires special skills. Stories are generally not black and white. Research requires not only a high command of English, but a thorough knowledge of the EU, the decision-making process and…

Beyond the NATO Summit: Post-Wales tasks and cooperation opportunities for the V4

The NATO Summit proved that the security architecture of Europe has never faced so many challenges since we have joined the Alliance. Although cooperation of V4 has developed substantially in the field of security and defence, the environment is changing so rapidly that further fields…

European Café

The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) has launched a series of discussions on current European issues, supported by Erste Stiftung and the National Cooperation Fund (NEA). We aim to discuss vital challenges of the European integration from a Hungarian perspective. Our purpose is…

NATO Training

Between 25th and 29th of August 2016, the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy organized a training about the Hungarian NATO membership in Eger, Hungary, in cooperation with the Agria Universitas Association and the Corvinus Society for Foreign Affairs and Culture. More than 18 young…

Budapest Security Conference

The NATO Summit proved that the security architecture of Europe has never faced so many challenges in the last two decades. Although cooperation in Europe, including the V4 has developed substantially in the field of security and defense, the environment is changing so rapidly that…

Euro-Atlantic Café

Since 2015 the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) is organizing a series of discussions on transatlantic issues in the framework of our new project Euro-Atlantic Café.  The project is supported by the Embassy of the United States to Hungary. Our goal is to bridge…