Budapest Security Conference

The NATO Summit proved that the security architecture of Europe has never faced so many challenges in the last two decades. Although cooperation in Europe, including the V4 has developed substantially in the field of security and defense, the environment is changing so rapidly that further fields of cooperation should be established, while others should be reviewed. The conference organised one year after the Wales Sumit and one year before the summit in Poland would like to support and keep the discussion on a more intensified level focusing on topics where the region has special interests, larger influence or where there is no united position or simply there is an insufficient level of cooperation.

The goal is to implement an annual forum where renowned global experts meet and exchange ideas. Last year’s conference touched the topics of a European Security Outlook before the NATO Summit, Migration as a Long-term Challenge, NATO-Russia Relationship and Collective Defence.

Find the 2016’s programme here.


Budapest Security Conference 2016
The event is supported by:

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Bartha Dániel