14 Dec The Trump presidency
Aftermaths of the elections. Dániel Bartha spoke about president Trump and his forming team. 2016.11.11. ATV...
Aftermaths of the elections. Dániel Bartha spoke about president Trump and his forming team. 2016.11.11. ATV...
András Rácz enlightened us about the Russian military forces in Figyelő. 2016.10.27. Figyelő /Print/...
Dániel Bartha spoke about the lessons we leart from Orbán's referendum 2016.10.04. Hospodárske Noviny...
Botond Feledy (CEID) described prime minister Orbán's position in Brussels 2016.10.05. Magyar Nemzet...
Edit Inotai, CEID Research Fellow spoke about prime minister Orbán and the Hungarian referendum in the El Espanol article 2016.10.02. El Espanol...
Business in the V4: Still a no women’s land Népszabadság 2016. 01.14....
A HírTV vendége volt Bartha Dániel, akivel a Magyarország helyzetéről beszélgettünk....