28 Sep CEID Director speaks at the Atlantic Council of the United States
CEID Director Daniel Bartha was speaking on May 10th, 2016 at the roundtable discussion on “ organized at the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security of the Atlantic Council of United States in Washington DC. Other speakers of the event included Marian Majer from the Slovak Security Policy Institute, Dominik Jankowski from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affair , and Martin Michelot from the EUROPEUM, Prague.
The event was opened by Magnus Nordenman, Director of the Transatlantic Security Initiative; and deputy-director of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security and Peter Stepper, Executive Director, Corvinus Society for Foreign Affairs and Culture, organizer of the project.
Speakers introduced security and defence developments of the Visegrad countries, and the advancement of regional integration since the Wales Summit of the NATO. A special emphasis was given to the implementation of the Readiness Action Plan (RAP), the status of NFIUs, capability developments, relations with Russia and defence budget.
During his stay in Washington D.C. Mr.Bartha hold several meetings with State Department officials, think-tank representatives and diplomats.