28 Nov Euro-Atlantic Café: ISIS: Is it a Short-term Phenomenon or a Serious Headache?
The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) has launched a series of discussions about current issues of Hungarian and US foreign policy, supported by the Embassy of the United States in Hungary and the Pallas Athéné Geopolitical Foundation (PAGEO). Our aim is to discuss different foreign policy strategies, help understand their background and identify common interests of the two countries. Our purpose is to organize constructive and open debates on foreign and security policy issues. Our guests are prominent US and Hungarian politicians, intellectuals and scholars.
At our fifth event, organised in cooperation with the Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC) we will discuss what can we do to tackle Islamic extremism, with a special focus to the Islamic State.
Our panelists will be:
Gen. (Ret.) John Allen, Co-Director of the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at The Brookings Institution, former Commander of the ISAF and former Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL and
Mr. Péter Siklósi, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning, Ministry of Defence of Hungary.
The event will be moderated by Ms. Edit Inotai, Senior Fellow, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
Date: 4th December, 2015 , 15:00-16:30
Venue: Continental Hotel Budapest Budapest, 1075 Bp., Dohány utca 42-44.
Registration is required at luca.karafiath@ceid.hu.