28 Sep European Perspectives: Slovenia’s Role in Visegrad Group
A special issue of European Perspectives was published by Centre for European Perspective (CEP) the in the framework of a project, financed by International Visegrad Fund on the relations and common interests of the Visegrad countries and Slovenia. The Hungarian partner of CEP was the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID). In this issue, entitled: European Perspectives:Slovenia’s Role in Visegrad Group, authors from Austria, Canada, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia present their opinion and results of the analysis.
The scientific journal, European Perspectives, was launched in October 2009 by Foundation Centre for European Perspective (CEP) from Slovenia. The journal is published twice a year (April, October) in English. Three issues were dedicated to important anniversaries or contemporary topics – 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, Turkey and its accession process and Young Generation.
The main aim of the journal is to provide a comprehensive source of analytical and theoretical articles in the field of defence and security, international relations, international law, economy and public administration focusing on the region of South East Europe, the Western Balkans in particular, and the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy. European Perspectives also aims to stimulate scientific dialogue, encourage expert research within above mentioned disciplines, offers an exchange of views and builds a scientific network in the region.
Authors include Daniel Bartha, Director of CEID. The journal can be downloaded here.
The publication will be introduced at a public event in the Jable Castle on Wednesday in Slovenia. You can find further information on the event here
More information about CEP is available on www.cep.si.