29 Sep View from Central Europe
„It will be crucial to keep the coalition together after the initial euphoria fades away” said András Rácz , Member of the Board at the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in the latest ’View from Central Europe’ , a publication series by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI) on the most relevant foreign policy developments.
The current issue is focusing on some of the most relevant questions Ukraine is dealing with following the elections. According to Racz: „Ukraine will have to overcome the extensive corruption still rattling all state institutions, and improve their functioning. Also, it will have to win the “hearts and minds“ of the population for painful reforms. The new government will have to focus also on setting the right fiscal policies to avoid state bankruptcy and on coping with the loss of control over the occupied territories”
To help Ukraine, the EU should keep the sanctions against Russia in place. „Paying an economic price is still much better, than paying a security price” according to the author.
The EU and the V4 within contribution is needed to the modernization of the Ukrainian state administration,including inter-administration experience transfers, and large-scale scholarship programs aimed at educating a new Ukrainian elite.
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