Disintegration through Integration? Turning to the Transnational Approach to Study National-Populism on the Example of the Visegrád Group

The Visegrád Group (V4), once united to facilitate integration to the EU, jointly disapproved of refugee policies and quotas adopted at the EU level. At the same time, all the four states have seen the resurgence of Eurosceptic sentiments in relation to first economic and then, migration crises over the last 10 years.

Nino Gozalishvili, Ph.D candidate at Central European University and CEID’s Think Visegrad Fellow of 2020, focused on the disintegrative tendencies of the V4 states within the European integration by applying the transnational approach to studying national-populism through the Visegrad Group’s example.

Her study can be read here within the frameworks of the Think Visegrad network and program, aiming to enhance and foster think tank cooperation in and outside the V4.

Dániel Varga