Fellowship   Deadline: Application dossiers con­sist­ing of the appli­ca­tion from, struc­tured CV (includ­ing the list of pub­li­ca­tions) and a moti­va­tion let­ter (max­i­mum 300 words) are to be sub­mit­ted to thinktank@sfpa.sk by April 18, 2022. About: Think Visegrad is a think tank plat­form for struc­tured dia­logue on issues of strate­gic regional impor­tance. The plat­form aims to ana­lyze key...

The Visegrad Group is considered to be an important actor supporting Western Balkan countries’ integration ambitions in the EU, while it also has a positive reputation in the region. Some other EU members take an active part in supporting the enlargement process as well. Among them, especially...

With the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union, the internal dynamics between the countries comprising the bloc undergo significant changes. New alliances are being established between the European regional groupings that share common positions. Among them, the Visegrad Group and the Baltic States share...