Our project "Communicating Europe- Making the EU understandable" was concluded in Brussels with a study trip organised is partnership with Центр "Нова Європа"/New Europe Center and the Brussel Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The program started on Monday, 27th November when in the morning participants received an...

by Dániel Bartha and Márton Ugrósdy |Download Hungary took over the Presidency of the Visegrad Group 1st July 2017. The following year will bring attention to Budapest, not only due to the increased tensions over the regional grouping, especially in Western EU-members, but also because of...

Teaching children to distinguish fake news from the real ones as early as at primary school;  naming & shaming the authors of disinformation stories; regular meetings between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence with journalists so as...

by Edit Inotai | Download | Euro-Atlantic Café September 11th, 2001 marked a new age in international terrorism. As the hijacked commercial planes hit the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon, terrorism had literally become a global phenomenon. Although radical jihadists had claimed and continues to...

by Dániel Bartha | download|European Café In the past years the series of economic crises in Europe have visibly turned into a political one. The consequence is actually not just one but a multiple political crisis, where not only the nature and origins are different but the...

The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration (CEID) in cooperation with the Common Sense Society (CSS) with the support of the American Embassy in Budapest and Pallasz Athéné Geopolitical Foundation (PAGEO) has organised the 11th event of its Euro-Atlantic Café series. The discussion took plce on 3rd...