Past events

European Defence at a Crossroads – Can the EU Build a Stronger Defence Industry?

  EUROPEUM Brussels Office representing the Think Visegrad Platform (including CEID) in collaboration with IRSEM EUROPE – The Institute for Strategic Research at the Miliatary School would like to invite you to an expert discussion titled: European Defence at a Crossroads: Can the EU Build a Stronger…

European Café: 2025: Egy új világ hajnala?

Az Euroatlanti Integrációért és Demokráciáért Alapítvány (CEID) 2025-ben is folytatja European Cafe beszélgetéssorozatát, melynek keretén belül továbbra is szűkebb, szakértői körű beszélgetésekre kerül sor a magyar külpolitika főbb dilemmáiról.  A beszélgetések nem sajtónyilvánosak, de egy rövid írásbeli összefoglaló készül  az elhangzottakról. A program célja az álláspontok civilizált ütköztetése, és egy…

Balkan Csárdás: Hungarian Foreign Policy Dance

CEID is co-hosting an event about the Hungarian foreign policy decisions in cooperation with Political Capital and the CEU Democracy Institute. Since 2010 the Hungarian government has taken a more active international role, including in the Western Balkan. What economic interests shape Hungarian foreign policy…

Shaping Our Digital Future: Tackling Disinformation In The EU, Case Of Central And Eastern Europe

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – Brussels Office, Think Visegrad Platform with CEID and International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project in cooperation with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty holds a conference on disinformation questions in the EU.  The conference will take place on Monday 27th March, from 16:30…

The Dragon in Europe: What should be the EU policy on China?

The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in partnership with the Equilibrium Institute kindly invites you to the second event of its online European Café series entitled : ‘The Dragon in Europe: What should be the EU policy on China?’ The next event of…

Euro-Atlantic Café: Geopolitical priorities of the Biden administration in Central Europe

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our Euro-Atlantic Café series which will be an exclusive discussion with US experts from Washington D.C. As many European nations celebrated the election of the incoming US President Joe Biden, some Central European governments were skeptical…

Beyond COVID-19: Managing economic crisis and the future of cohesion policy

The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in partnership with the Equilibrium Institute kindly invites you to the first event of its online European Café series entitled : ‘Beyond COVID-19: Economic crisis management and the future of cohesion policy in the EU’ The goal…

Euro-Atlantic Café: Transatlantic Relations in the Presidential Election

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our Euro-Atlantic Café series. The first online discussion will focus on the perspectives of Transatlantic relations, in light of the US presidential election campaign. Although the campaign is clearly dominated by a domestic agenda (e.g. fight…

Euro-Atlantic Café: The State of the Alliance

We are pleased to invite you to the relaunch of our Euro-Atlantic Café series. Transatlantic relations suffered a serious blow in the past years. Europe tends to blame the current US administration, however symptoms of an estrangement have been there  for more then a decade. The decision…

Refocus the European Union: Planet, Lifetime, Technology

Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to our next public event, organized in partnership with Carnegie Europe and Open Society European Policy Insitute, analysing their study titled ‘Refocus the European Union: Planet, Lifetime, Technology“. Europe’s political leaders need to take much faster action on three…