EUROPEUM Brussels Office representing the Think Visegrad Platform (including CEID) in collaboration with IRSEM EUROPE – The Institute for Strategic Research at the Miliatary School would like to invite you to an expert discussion titled: European Defence at a Crossroads: Can the EU Build a Stronger…
Az Euroatlanti Integrációért és Demokráciáért Alapítvány (CEID) 2025-ben is folytatja European Cafe beszélgetéssorozatát, melynek keretén belül továbbra is szűkebb, szakértői körű beszélgetésekre kerül sor a magyar külpolitika főbb dilemmáiról. A beszélgetések nem sajtónyilvánosak, de egy rövid írásbeli összefoglaló készül az elhangzottakról. A program célja az álláspontok civilizált ütköztetése, és egy…
CEID is co-hosting an event about the Hungarian foreign policy decisions in cooperation with Political Capital and the CEU Democracy Institute. Since 2010 the Hungarian government has taken a more active international role, including in the Western Balkan. What economic interests shape Hungarian foreign policy…
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – Brussels Office, Think Visegrad Platform with CEID and International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project in cooperation with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty holds a conference on disinformation questions in the EU. The conference will take place on Monday 27th March, from 16:30…
The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in partnership with the Equilibrium Institute kindly invites you to the second event of its online European Café series entitled : ‘The Dragon in Europe: What should be the EU policy on China?’ The next event of…
We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our Euro-Atlantic Café series which will be an exclusive discussion with US experts from Washington D.C. As many European nations celebrated the election of the incoming US President Joe Biden, some Central European governments were skeptical…
The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in partnership with the Equilibrium Institute kindly invites you to the first event of its online European Café series entitled : ‘Beyond COVID-19: Economic crisis management and the future of cohesion policy in the EU’ The goal…
We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our Euro-Atlantic Café series. The first online discussion will focus on the perspectives of Transatlantic relations, in light of the US presidential election campaign. Although the campaign is clearly dominated by a domestic agenda (e.g. fight…
We are pleased to invite you to the relaunch of our Euro-Atlantic Café series. Transatlantic relations suffered a serious blow in the past years. Europe tends to blame the current US administration, however symptoms of an estrangement have been there for more then a decade. The decision…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to our next public event, organized in partnership with Carnegie Europe and Open Society European Policy Insitute, analysing their study titled ‘Refocus the European Union: Planet, Lifetime, Technology“. Europe’s political leaders need to take much faster action on three…
Dear Sir or Madam, The Pew Research Center is releasing a major study of pan-European public opinion towards democracy, market economies and the EU on 15th October. The report, published at the 30th anniversary of the democratic transformation, explores public attitudes about the past, present,…
Following the success of the previous Dwa Bratanki conferences, this year’s forum is to be organised on the 26th of September 2019, in the Polish Institute in Budapest. As in the prior years, we co-organise our conference with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and…
As the last event of this season’s European Café series within CEID’s ‘Vote for Europe!’ campaign, we organized a panel discussion assessing the results and of the European elections and their possible implications with Mr Roland Freudenstein (Martens Center, Brussels) and Mr Gergely Polner (Hanbury…
A CEID és a Heves Megyei Europe Direct közös rendezvényén Donáth Annával, a Momentum Mozgalom európai parlamenti képviselő-jelöltjével, valamint Jávor Benedekkel, a Párbeszéd európai parlamenti képviselőjével beszélgetett Inotai Edit, a CEID vezető kutatója arról, hogyan látják a magyar pártok és az európai választásokon elinduló jelöltek…
With the EP elections just around the corner, it is of utmost importance to take Europe very seriously.. at least for the politicians. CEID instead organized a panel discussion as its next event within the frameworks of the European Café series, hosting representatives of the…
As its next event within the frameworks of the European Café series, CEID organized a panel discussion on whether there are common topics in the Pan-Europan campaings leading up to the EP elections on the 9th of April. Our invited experts included Mr Erik Frey,…
A CEID és a Fejér Megyei Europa Direct közös rendezvényén Boros Tamással, a Policy Solutions stratégiai igazgatójával és Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel, a Nézőpont Csoport vezetőjével beszélgetett Inotai Edit arról, hogy miért is fontos igazán nekünk, magyaroknak a május 26-i európai parlamenti választás a székesfehérvári Pátria…
To what extent is the “Dwa Bratanki” a myth? In which fields are Poland and Hungary close partners? What are the obstacles when it comes to common values and interests? Where could we deepen our cooperation? The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) with the support of…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series, focusing on the Germany’s position in the EU. December 7th will be a historical date is Germany. After Chancellor Merkel announced she is no longer running…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series, focusing on the changing image of the European Union, from within and beyond its borders. Six months before the elections to the European Parliament, a heated campaign has…
Following up the success of the previous Dwa Bratanki conferences, this year’s forum is to be organised on 25th September 2018, in the Polish Institute in Budapest. As in the prior years, we co-organise our conference with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and with…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series, now focusing on the negotiations around the European Union’s next Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027). The reform of the EU budget will dominate discussions in the next 9-12 months,…
Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram! Szeretettel meghívjuk a “European Café” című sorozatunk következő rendezvényére, amelynek címe: “Biztonságpolitikai kihívások a 21. században: milyen veszélyek fenyegethetik Magyarországot?”. 2016-ban az Euro-Atlanti Integrációért és Demokráciáért Alapítvány az Erste Alapítvány és a Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap támogatásával rendezvénysorozatot indított, amelynek középpontjában az Európát érintő…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series focusing on the relationship between the V4 countries and France. The election of French President Emmanuel Macron last summer created new expectations for the revitalization of…
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series, focusing on the dilemma of joining the eurozone. We aim at analyzing the potential benefits and risks of adopting the euro, especially in the light of the European…
As a follow up in our project, called “Communicating Europe – Making the EU Understandable” the group of Ukrainian journalists make a study trip in Brussels in order to get more familiar with the institutional setup and mechanisms of EU and create a useful network…
Following up the success of the previous Dwa Bratanki conferences, this year’s forum is to be organised on 26th September 2017, in the Polish Institute in Budapest. As in the prior years, we co-organise our conference with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and with…
Media plays a fundamental role in shaping the opinion of the citizens. But reporting about EU-affairs requires special skills. Stories are generally not black and white. Thus, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy have decided to launch a project with a special focus on strengthening the capacity of…
Media plays a fundamental role in shaping the opinion of the citizens. But reporting about EU-affairs requires special skills. Stories are generally not black and white. Thus, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy have decided to launch a project with a special focus on strengthening the capacity of…
Media plays a fundamental role in shaping the opinion of the citizens. But reporting about EU-affairs requires special skills. Stories are generally not black and white. Thus, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy have decided to launch a project with a special focus on strengthening the capacity of…
Media plays a fundamental role in shaping the opinion of the citizens. But reporting about EU-affairs requires special skills. Stories are generally not black and white. Thus, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy have decided to launch a project with a special focus on strengthening the capacity…
The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy in cooperation with the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade organises a closed-door roundtable discussion on the possible role and weight of Central Europe in shaping the future of the European Union. The event will take place on 4th…
The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Atlantic Council of the United States would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion with an Atlantic Council delegation including Ambassador Victor Ashe, Ambassador April Foley, Ambassador Dan Fried, Ambassador Theodore Sedgwick, and Atlantic Council Executive Vice…
Orosz befolyásolási kísérletek világszerte Az Euro-Atlanti Integrációért és Demokráciáért Alapítvány (CEID) és a Common Sense Society (CSS) az Egyesült Államok budapesti nagykövetsége támogatásával, Euro-Atlantic Café címmel beszélgetéssorozatot indított az amerikai-magyar kapcsolatokról. Egri beszélgetésünk apropója a CEID és a Prague Security Studies Institute közös kutatása és…
We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series. The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) has launched a series of discussions on current European issues, supported by Erste Stiftung and the National Cooperation Fund (NEA). This time we invite…
Closed-door Roundtable Programme: 9:00 Welcoming remarks TBD 9:10 – 10:40 The Development of Economic Relations Between V4 and Russia: Before and after Ukraine Based on preliminary project findings, the roundtable will focus on the current state of economic relations between Russia and individual…
Prague Security Studies Institute would like to invite you to a public discussion “Russia’s leverage in Central Europe: Similarities & Differences”, in which four experts from the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) will dwell into various tools that Kremlin uses to compromise…
The conference – organized by Antall József Tudásközpont – aims to celebrate the anniversary of the three treaties of the European Union: the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty and the 10th anniversary of the Treaty…
From the US presidential elections to a recent visit in Kremlin by French Front National’s leader Marine Le Pen – Russia’s influence in the political processes in the Western democracies continues to occupy public opinion. Seriousness of this situation requires developing better understanding of soft…
Is the Migration Crisis over? We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series. The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) has launched a series of discussions on current European issues, supported by Erste Stiftung and the National…
Russian Influence Activities in the V4-Countries To which extent is Russian influence present in the region? Which measures are used? Do we understand its complexity? Is our society resistant to manipulation by authoritarian powers? The broad majority of the society is not aware of the…
Strengthening The Eastern Frontier Of The V4 The year 2016 was crucial for V4 defence and security cooperation. The success of democratic transformation and governance largely lies in the capability of our countries to reform their armed services. We believe an essential element is creating…
In our upcoming event, we will analyze the operation and internal politics of the Trump administration, with special emphasis on its impact on Hungarian-American relations. Launched in 2016, our discussion series is organized in cooperation with the Common Sense Society (CSS) in Hungary and supported by the…
Szeretettel meghívjuk a ’European Café’ című sorozatunk következő rendezvényére, amelynek címe: ‘Ütközőzóna? Orosz befolyásolási kísérletek Magyarországon és a térségben”. 2016-ban az Euro-Atlanti Integrációért és Demokráciáért Alapítvány az Erste Alapítvány és a Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap támogatásával rendezvénysorozatot indított, amelynek középpontjában az Európát érintő aktuális kérdések állnak….
We are pleased to invite you to the next event of our European Café series. The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) has launched a series of discussions on current European issues, supported by Erste Stiftung and the National Cooperation Fund (NEA). We aim to discuss…