The following study was prepared by CEID experts based on the European Café event held on February 10, 2025. The guest of the discussion was Péter Sztáray, State Secretary for Security Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.The summary and recommendations were compiled…
Ingrid Ríos-Rivera : Populism Beyond Borders: Lessons from Hungary and Prospects for Comparative Analysis TV fellow paper_Ingrid Rios-Rivera
Report | Discussing Ukraine in V4 mainstream media Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, media coverage of the country has increased significantly. Interpreting and commenting on events, putting them in the news and shaping the debate about Ukraine’s future prospects in relation to European integration…
The following study was prepared by CEID experts based on the European Café event held on December 11, 2023. The guest of the discussion was Csaba Zalai, State Secretary of the Ministry of European Affairs. The summary and recommendations were compiled based on the discussion…
Minden EU elnökséget a nemzetközi környezet határozza meg, és ez különösen érvényes lesz a július 1-én kezdődő magyar elnökségre, hangzott el a European Café zárt körű szakmai beszélgetésén, amelynek vendége Zalai Csaba, az Európai Ügyek minisztériumának távozó államtitkára volt. Az orosz-ukrán háború kimenetele, a küszöbönálló…
In 2023 CEID is renewed its European Cafe series of discussions, which focuses on a selected expert discussions on the main dilemmas of Hungarian foreign policy. The discussions are not be open to the press. The aim of the programme is to bring together…
The poster child of Hungarian foreign policy: how relations with Germany turned sour – A Summary Of Our European Café Event In 2023 CEID is renewed its European Cafe series of discussions, which focuses on a selected expert discussions on the main dilemmas of Hungarian…
In 2023 CEID is renewed its European Cafe series of discussions, which focuses on a selected expert discussions on the main dilemmas of Hungarian foreign policy. The discussions are not be open to the press. The aim of the programme is to bring together views…
On the 3rd of March, the Equilibrium Institute and the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) organised this year’s first episode of the European Cafe series, which focused on restarting the economy after the pandemic. Our guests, members of the European Parliament; Enikő Győri from the Fidesz…
On the 21st of May, the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) in partnership with the Equilibrium Institute organised a discussion in the framework of CEID’s European Café series, supported by the Erste Foundation. The event focused on Chinese presence and growing influence…
The Visegrád Group (V4), once united to facilitate integration to the EU, jointly disapproved of refugee policies and quotas adopted at the EU level. At the same time, all the four states have seen the resurgence of Eurosceptic sentiments in relation to first economic and…
Though the V4 member states’ own relations have been diverse with Ukraine lately, the group’s cooperation with its Eastern neighbor has been a coherent one when it comes to policy-level. Whether that coherence means effectiveness or the lack of it is another question, Hanna Shelest,…
Európa válaszúton A világ, és ezen belül Európa alapvető változásokon megy keresztül a 21. században. A változások átalakítják az állam és a polgárok közti társadalmi szerződést, a demokrácia működését és a társadalmi jólétet. Bár az utóbbi évek európai vitáinak középpontjában elsősorban a migráció állt,…
Institutional questions ahead of the new EU Commission The European Parliamentary elections have not changed the status quo inside the EU. Mainstream parties still control the decision-making but will the power struggle around the selection procedure for the top jobs lead to institutional reforms? What…
CEID’s Dániel Bartha and András Deák, along with Sándor Kerekes, director of K-Monitor, authored a chapter on the Hungarian energy policy with Russia after 2014, focusing on the key areas that are of significance to either of the countries within the bilateral relations. The study…
CEID is delighted to publish online its newest study volume on the current state and future prospects of Polish-Hungarian bilateral relations, focusing on six of the most important areas of cooperation. The study is avaliable for the public in English – The Polish-Hungarian Alliance in Hungarian…
Botond Feledy, senior fellow of CEID, authored a policy brief on cyber security in the frameworks of the Think Visegrad platform. The article can be read here or on EUROPEUM‘s website.
European Café: A Changing Germany in a Changing Europe (Pre-Study) by Edit Inotai 12/11/2018
CEID’s Think Visegrad Fellow of 2018, Valeriy V. Shelikashev authored a study on the future of the Russian-V4 cooperation. The analysis can be read here.
Orbán’s European aspirations – analysis of the Băile Tușnad speech edited by Edit Inotai 17.08.2018
June 2018 by Daniel Bartha Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe This book is a result of the research which was carried out in May 2017 – May 2018 by the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” and the Eurasian States in Transition research center…
European Café: Towards a compromise – political debates related to the EU budget (pre-study) by Dániel Bartha 06/13/2018
Brussels cannot fire Hungary – Foreign policy of the new Orbán government by Dániel Bartha 11.04.2018.
European Café: Macron’s New Europe: How do the Visegrad Countries fit in? by Dániel Bartha, Botond Feledy, Martin Michelot 12.02.2018
02.05.2017 By Edit Inotai European Café: PreStudy – Storms Past and Storms to Come (Pre-Study)
14.02.2017 By Dániel Bartha European Café: A region to lead or to fail
03.02.2017 By CEID Experts CEID European Perspectives – Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Hungary
31.01.2017 By CEID experts CEID European Perspectives – Vladimir Putin’s visit to Budapest
09.01.2017 By Edit Inotai Homeland Security – Facing the terrorist challenge
2017.07.04. By Dániel Bartha, András Rácz and Botond Feledy – Information warfare in the Internet – Countering Pro-Kremlin Disinformation in the CEE Countries (study in the framework of a project coordinated by CIR)
A Centre for International Relations által koordinált projekt keretében kiadott lezáró tanulmány, melyben íróként részt vett Bartha Dániel, Rácz András és Feledy Botond is. Az egész tanulmány elérhető magyarul itt.
A comparative assessment and case studies from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Romania co-authored by our experts, András Deák and Dániel Bartha. The full study is available here. 2017. May
In 2014 Ukrainians decided to fight for the election of Europe and forced President Janukovich to flee to Russia in February 2014. A month later, Russia invaded and occupied the Crimean Peninsula, and supported the separatist forces of Donetsk and Luhansk, pitting pro-Russian forces against…
With the beginning of the millennium, the Visegrad countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia – began to improve their relations with Russia. Nevertheless, the Russian annexation of Crimea and its involvement in the war in Eastern Ukraine represented a major shift in…
By Dániel Bartha – Edit Inotai European Café: The Euro Dilemma – Success in the Baltics, Concerns in the V4 (Pre-Study)
V4+Ukraine security cooperation: limits of possible by Hennadiy Maksak (Think Visegrad Fellow of CEID) November 2017
European Café: The Euro Dilemma: Success in the Baltics, Concerns in the V4 by Dániel Bartha, Edit Inotai 15.12.2017.
06.12.2016 By Daniel Bartha, Botond Feledy and András Rácz Project Summary in Hungary: The Information Warfare on the Internet – Exposing and Countering pro-Kremlin Disinformation in the CEEC
09.11.2016 By Edit Inotai Euro-Atlantic Café – US Presidential Election: The Trump Presidency The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
28.09.2016 By Edit Inotai Euro-Atlantic Café – Migration: Is our identity at risk? The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
23.08.2016 By Dániel Bartha Future of V4 inextricably linked to the refugee crisis This article was originally published by Figyelő on 11th August, 2016, and translated into english by The Budapest Sentinel on 16th August, 2016.
08.07.2016 By Daniel Bartha Defence dilemmas and development of Hungary from Wales to Warsaw This paper was originally published in Slovak in the Zahraničná politika: Samit NATO vo Varšave by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA). For the original version and further studies on the…
23.05.2016 By Edit Inotai Euro-Atlantic Café – Russia and the West: Can We Re-Energize Our Relationship? The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
10.05.2016 By Katri Pynnöniemi & András Rácz Download the report here.
04.04.2016 By Edit Inotai Euro-Atlantic Café – The Trump and Sanders phenomena The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
16.02.2016 Co-authored by Dániel Bartha Think Visegrad – Czech V4 Presidency Mid-Term Review
12.02.2016 By András Rácz and Marcin Terlikowsk Resilience and Beyond – Terlikowski-Racz
02.12.2015 By Péter Wagner Euro-Atlantic Café – Local Conflict or Global Jihad? The IS Phenomena The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
01.12.2015 By Edit Inotai Merkel and Orban: Splitting the EU?
09.11.2015 By Milan Brglez, Jana Arbeiter, Boštjan Udovič, Anna Orosz, Matej Avbelj, Marek Lenč, Uroš Kramar, Marjan Sternad, Tina Cvahte, Patty Zakaria, Gorazd Justinek, Erhard Busek, Andrej Rahten, Daniel Bartha, Zlatko Šabič, Anna Visvizi, Andreja Kerševan, Sara Jud, Anja Fabiani European Perspectives: Slovenia’s Role in Visegrad Group
04.10.2015 By András György Deák, Tomaš Kulda V4 and Russian Energy After Wales
04.10.2015 By Milan Šuplata, Jiří Schneider, Marian Majer Crisis in Ukraine and the V4’s Defence and Military Adaption
04.10.2015 By Wojciech Lorenz, Mário Nicolini NATO Enlargement: Will Warsaw Deliver?
18.06.2015 By Edit Inotai and András Rácz Ukraine and the EA Summit in Riga
17.06.2015 By Edit Inotai and Dániel Bartha Euro-Atlantic Café: New geopolitical challenges or business as usual? The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
10.06.2015 By Dániel Bartha, Jakub Kufčák, Marian Majer, Mário Nicolini From Wales to Warsaw: NATO’s radically adapted posture – or lost in between?
16.04.2015 By Edit Inotai Euro-Atlantic Café: The starting point The project: Euro-Atlantic Café
An opinion piece on the Hungarian contribution to the fight against ISIL by CEID Director Daniel Bartha and Senior Research Fellow Edit Inotai The holy trinity of foreign policy
23.02.2015 By Anna Péczeli and Dániel Bartha Nuclear Arms Control
12.02.2015 By Dániel Bartha. CEID Perspectives 3 – Visegrad: the winter is here
20.01.2015 By Edit Inotai and András Rácz CEID Perspectives 2 – From A(ngela) to V(ladimir)
09.01.2015 By CEID Experts Ukraine: Current Situation and Future Prospects Summary
DAV4 III Expert group report by Zoltán Bali, Daniel Bártha, Wojciech Lorenz, Gabriel Merňák, Jaroslav Naď, Róbert Radič, Milan Šuplata, Marcin Terlikowski Edited by Marian Majer 2015